Combat-Wounded Veterans Serving Sonoma County
and the Counties of the Northern California Coast
Welcome to MOPH Chapter 78’s website. This website is a resource for information about the Military Order of the Purple Heart and the Sonoma County Veteran Community.
Folloe us
Deparrtment Commander Visits Chapter 78
On this page you will find links to websites that may be helpful or of interest to you or someone you know. The websites were recommended to us by other veteran organizations and friends in the community.
Maritime Injury Center (MIC) MIC provides information about the Jones Act for seaman, an accord protecting maritime workers and service members alike. Our armed forces rely heavily on support from merchant mariners. When in need, both commercial and private fleets can be called upon to man vessels containing military and naval supplies. Moreover, the Jones Act is critical to our military success in threatening waters.
Mesothelioma.net Approximately thirty percent of patients diagnosed with mesothelioma are veterans who have served in the U.S. military. If you are a veteran diagnosed with mesothelioma